In which…golf101 embraces the 'temporary green' phenomenon and hopes that his (and your) new resolutions attain a more permanent status.

Do you know what? This time of year I don't mind a few temporary greens.
I don't like playing on them, who does?
But if we're playing on temporary greens at our club, well then we're playing golf.
In January that's not always the case at most courses near us.
What's that saying?
In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king?
Well, amongst the clay ridden, sodden fairways of the Weald, the chalky, porous Down land course is king.
Temporary Greens mean 'game on', let's go, we can tee it up.
Yeah, they don't deliver big on aesthetics or playability.
They don't have to, that's not what they're about.
They're good for one thing, and one thing only - keeping the course open.
And that's fine by me.
And let's face it - they'll only last for a couple of months. Tops.
Which will probably be about seven weeks and three days longer than this year's particular new year resolution...

Good luck with your own.
Happy New Year!
New Website layout for 2023
Golf101 is trialling a new blog layout this year.
Our front page content will change on a monthly basis but carry some regular features.
We're kicking off with listing forthcoming events on all the major tours as well as fixtures at Eastbourne Downs Golf Club.
It's a work in progress...just like my new gym regime.