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Our Terry


Updated: Oct 6, 2024

The golf professional.

As the season draws to a close golf101 would like to take a moment to celebrate golf professionals up and down the country.

Specifically, we'd like to recognise Terry Marshall of Eastbourne Downs Golf Club.

He was 'let go' two days ago by the Club's new owners.

Golf101 is somewhat bothered by the situation but there's little dividend getting into that.

There'll be a lot of noise and posturing across the membership.

Understandable, the man was an institution.

But talking trash isn't what this blog is about.

Yeah, sure there's been the odd pop at LIV...

...more for comedic effect than anything else.

But no,

Terry parting ways with Eastbourne Downs is far too significant an event to warrant playing the fool.

Rather, here, we present golf101's own tribute.

A personal stab at a testimony, in verse, to 'our Terry'.

Those who know him, will have their own take, but will hopefully recognise something of the man in this homage.

So join us in celebrating Eastbourne Downs very own 'El Tel'

Efficient in word and deed

You weren’t a showman

There wasn’t a need

You knew your craft

You weren’t daft

One of a dying breed

Five decades a 'one club' man

If you canvass the members

Everyone is a fan

It will be strange

That you’re not on the range

Sort out your swing? Terry can

Quiet and shy

A stand up guy

How did you not go insane?

Thousands of hours 

In sunshine or showers 

Repeating again and again

"Check alignment and grip

Then just let it rip"

"Trust me", there isn’t a catch

We’d all try our best

We’d try to invest 

But few ever get to 'scratch'

It’s been an absolute pleasure 

Let’s look at the ledger

You’ve achieved what a handful will do

Top of your game

Revered by name

Loyal to the 'club with a view'

Humble and modest

Plaudits you’d protest

You’d rarely promote ‘I’

But you made things tick

Behind the scenes you were slick

The 'master', a golfing Jedi

So we’re gutted you’re gone

That your Downs race is run

We’ll miss you more than you know

Just be full of pride

It’s been a hell of a ride 

And now you get the chance to go slow 

Whatever it brings

We hope for good things

As things unfold on the back nine

But you can be sure

Your Downs legacy is secure

In its chronicles you’ll have your own line.

Best wishes old friend

Professional to the end

More than most will ever attain

Stay in touch we all say

And come back some day

In our hearts you’ll always remain

Terry Marshall was the Club Professional at Eastbourne Downs Golf Club from 1985-2024.

He was a friend, mentor and confident to thousands of golfers in that time.

That's a pretty cool legacy by anyone's standards.

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